+41 79 643 80 60
Instagram @aliciaolmosochoa


Alicia Olmos Ochoa is an independent photographer based in Zurich, originally from Madrid, with extensive experience spanning architecture, portraiture, documentary, and fashion photography. She approaches photography as a form of observation, deeply invested in storytelling. By fostering genuine connections and engaging in meaningful dialogue, Alicia strives to capture intimate, authentic moments through her lens.

With a background in Fine Arts and Curatorial Studies, Alicia’s work explores themes of art, culture, and aesthetics. She applies this perspective to both her solo projects and collaborative endeavors. In addition to her photography, Alicia is an independent curator and an active member of Waschraum Verein, where she contributes to the development of art exhibitions in Zurich.

Head of Photography, Online-Production, PKZ Burger-Kehl & Co.AG
Independant photographer based in Zurich.

Client selection

aix architects truog ag | Cabaret Voltaire | Corner College | Coucou Kulturmagazin Winthertur | Frauenmuseum Hittisau | Kunsthaus Bregenz | Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein | Kunstraum Walcheturm | Mayer Hüssy Architekten | Museum für Gestaltung | Olmos Ochoa Architekten | PKZ Burger-Kehl & Co.AG | Saxophone Festival Zurich | Shedhalle | SONIC MATTER | Stolze Openair