EFH - Schaan, 2021
assignment | architecture

EFH Schaan, 2021, Architectural assignment
Prints available - contact alicia@olmosochoa.com

Photographic documentation of “EFH - Schaan”, a single family home in Liechtenstein designed and developed by the architectural duo “olmos ochoa arquitekten”. The images were featured in an extensive article in the printed magazin: Liechtensteiner Vaterland Bauen + Wohnen. Issue 02.2021 “Ein Haus mit konzeptuellen Zwischenräume”. The cover of the magazin was also dedicated to the project featuring one of the series’s main photographs.

Architectural documentation of “EFH - Schaan” feautred in Liechtensteiner Vaterlandmagazin’s printed issue of March 2021